Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Ways to Manipulate a Urine Drug Test: detoxing, dilution, and substitution




Ways to Manipulate a Urine Drug Test: detoxing, dilution, and substitution


Manipulating drug urine tests has become a common challenge for individuals seeking alternative methods. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into three key techniques: detoxing, dilution, and substitution. Each method comes with its own set of considerations and risks. Let's explore the intricacies of each approach, providing you with valuable insights to make informed decisions.

THC Detoxing: A Time-Tested Approach

THC Detoxing Time Frame:

Understanding the detoxing time frame is crucial for those aiming to eliminate THC from their system. Factors such as usage history, weight, and activity level play pivotal roles. Depending all factors this could be weeks to months. T .


Detoxing: A Path to Cleanse

Embarking on a THC detox requires a nuanced approach, considering use history, weight, and activity level. The journey is personal, with cardio and intermittent fasting acting as key enhancers. Detox products flood the market, often marketed as herbal miracles. However, it's vital to recognize that true detoxing from THC isn't instantaneous; it's a gradual process influenced by various factors. True THC detox explained

You Can't "Detox" THC:

It's essential to dispel the myth that THC detoxing is a foolproof method. The reality is that genuine detoxing takes time, and quick fixes like carbo detox 2000 !" drinks are marketing scheme. these products are only creating temporary "dilution".




Dilution: Balancing Act for Test Success


Dilution: The Balancing Act 

Dilution involves a delicate balance of consuming elevated liquids two hours before testing. The risk lies in over-dilution, leading to a "negative dilute" result, necessitating a retest. Detox products claiming to enhance dilution often resort to marketing gimmicks, promoting temporary bladder dilution rather than a genuine detox. 

Detox Products: A Marketing Gimmick?  

 Detox products mislead consumers with idea if they drink their product they will be clean. In reality this is mostly a marketing gimmick as all drugs are gone in 4 days except THC which timeline to being clean is based on use history and weight. These products will instruct you to consume with allot of water which is just dilution promoting temporary bladder dilution rather than a genuine detox. 

Risks of Over-Dilution 

Over-dilution poses the risk of triggering a "negative dilute" result, requiring a retest. Detox products advocating excessive fluid intake along with their product which is already a large volume of fluid . This will lead to a temporary dilution window, only to return to normal levels shortly after. You have to hit the right levels to dilute enough to lower drug levels below threshold but not crash the specimen validity test that looks at urine's specific gravity ( density) and creatinine levels . These two items will indicate one has consumed a abnormal amount of fluid which can only be for purpose of cheating. urine-specific gravity test could be interrupted if the individual consumed a large amount of liquids before providing a sample. More specifically, it would take somewhere in the neighborhood of 24 to 36 ounces of water (consumed all at once) to successfully dilute urine. In just a half-hour, this could dilute the sample tenfold, and the results could last for hours. 




Substitution: Navigating Risks and Solutions

Obtaining a Sample:  Using a friends or Synthetic ?

Risks of Using Another Person's Urine:

Substitution involves obtaining a sample, with one option being the use of another person's urine. This approach requires proper collecting of the urine as it needs to be collect fresh and frozen asap if not used in hours as urine breaks done and soon darkens and smells. inherent risks, including potential health issues and the risk of detection from submitting dark funky obviously old urine.

Synthetic Urine: A Superior Alternative... sometimes

Opting for synthetic urine proves to be a more reliable solution.Synthetic alternatives come in two forms: premixed liquids and powdered concentrates.

Pre-Mixed Liquids: Discovering the Pitfalls

Premixed liquid products are a very basic formula of water, creatinine, urea or uric acid, a buffer agent and some level of sanitizer, ( more so if they include urea or uric acid as without biocide the urea will go bad ) . These biocide, peroxide, nitrates are detectable with specimen validity testing. If they claim to have uric acid (used to validate human urine in some states ) then it must have a biocide . Additionally these additive often render a product "flat" (no surface bubbles) and Odorless . NOTE they may be undetected with cheaper testing without validation screens, however even then they often are flagged for bad ph.


Powdered Concentrate: A Clean Slate

Powdered concentrate urine eliminates the issues associated with pre-mixed liquids. 


Comparison of Powdered Synthetic Products:

Comparing different Powdered synthetic urine products, such as the "Sub Solution," bottle , "One Shot" bottle and "Urine Trouble," bladder by Passitkit or a large tube thingy from test clear. reveals varying features, prices, and effectiveness.


"Sub Solution": unnecessary gimmicks ?

Analyzing the "Sub Solution" ( $90.00 Bottle) raises questions about the necessity of a chemical additive for creating heat. This unnatural and unneeded item looks like another gimmik to justify the insane price. The chemical heating solution is short acting and has been found to create invalid readings in certain labs. 


"One Shot" and "Urine Trouble": Affordable and Effective Options

Affordable options like "One Shot" ($35.00 Bottle kit) and "Urine Trouble" ($75.00 ReUsable bladder kit ) provide different usage scenarios, ensuring discretion and effectiveness. They both use reliable 10 hour warming pads and the most human like powdered synthetic. The One Shot bottle allows for random testing by dropping vial into bottle and uses a twist cap that cant be dropped or left behind.


Drop Audible Detection: The Removable Cap Issue

The "urine simulator" ( $ 60.00 tube ) product is a Large tube with a removable cap, introducing a drop audible detection issue. 





Q: What is the THC detox time frame? A: The THC detox time frame depends on personal factors like use history, weight, and activity levels, accelerated by cardio and intermittent fasting.

Q: Are detox products effective for THC cleansing? A: Detox products may offer temporary bladder dilution but do not guarantee genuine THC detoxification.

Q: What risks are associated with using another person's urine? A: Risks include detection during collection and potential health hazards.

Q: How do synthetic alternatives differ? A: Premixed liquids may trigger validity tests, while powdered concentrates offer a cleaner and more reliable solution.

Q: Are there risks associated with over-dilution in drug tests? A: Yes, over-dilution can lead to a "negative dilute" result, requiring a retest.


Navigating the world of drug urine test manipulation requires careful consideration of each method's intricacies. Whether opting for detoxing, dilution, or substitution, understanding the risks and benefits is crucial. Synthetic urine emerges as a superior choice, providing a clean slate without the pitfalls associated with other methods.

In conclusion, the market offers a variety of synthetic urine products, each with its unique features. Choosing the right one depends on individual preferences, budget constraints, and the desired level of discretion. By exploring these methods, individuals can make informed decisions, ensuring successful outcomes in drug urine tests.



Friday, January 5, 2024

Dispelling myth of cocaethylene in urine test from alcohol and cocaine use


 Dispelling myth of  cocaethylene in urine test from alcohol and cocaine use

Seems folks who have been learning from Hair Razor Detox that cocaine use during alcohol consumption use crests a metabolite called cocaethylene that is screened for in Hair test. 

  They then get confused and spread it all over the internet wrongfully  that this is a general case and is tested for in urine. IT IS NOT .


First what is Cocaethylene  ?

Metabolic production from cocaine

Cocaethylene is the byproduct of concurrent consumption of alcohol and cocaine as metabolized by the liver. Normally, metabolism of cocaine produces two primarily biologically inactive metabolitesbenzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester. The hepatic enzyme carboxylesterase is an important part of cocaine's metabolism because it acts as a catalyst for the hydrolysis of cocaine in the liver, which produces these inactive metabolites. If ethanol is present during the metabolism of cocaine, a portion of the cocaine undergoes transesterification with ethanol, rather than undergoing hydrolysis with water, which results in the production of cocaethylene.[1]

cocaine + H2O → benzoylecgonine + methanol (with liver carboxylesterase 1)[4]
benzoylecgonine + ethanol → cocaethylene + H2O
cocaine + ethanol → cocaethylene + methanol (with liver carboxylesterase 1)[5]




A hair screen presents more metabolites for cocaine than any drug . 

 The cocaine part of Hair Test are 


Major metabolites

benzoylecgonine (BE) 

 Eecgonine methylester(EME) 

Minor metabolites

Cocaethylene (CE) ( created by presence of alcohol) 

Norcocaine  ( NCoc )  ( minor metabolite )

3 isomers of hydroxycocaine (p-OHCoc, m-OHCoc, and o-OHCoc) found higher in body hair vs head

p-hydroxybenzoylecgonine (pOHBE), and m-hydroxybenzoylecgonine

Hydroxycocaines as percent of cocaine did not appear to be affected by cocaine concentrations, but were shown to increase with cocaethylene concentrations  (1)

not all Hair test screened for these   the most common are 
 Cocaine 300 pg/mg
 Benzoylecgonine 300 pg/mg
 Cocaethylene 300 pg/mg 
 Norcocaine 300 pg/mg

  • Detection Period: The detection period for cocaethylene is similar to that of cocaine, which is relatively short, usually up to a few days. 

Quest urine alcohol test 

Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) and ethyl sulfate (EtS) are the alcohol (ie, ethyl alcohol, ethanol) metabolites measured in this test.  (  AS YOU SEE NO COCAETHYLENE )

 no separate test for Cocaethylene

Cocaine is a common drug of abuse. To detect its use, a screening detection concentration for the cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine is commonly set at 150 ng/mL and its confirmatory cut‐off is set at 100 ng/mL. (2)(3)

 their are other metabolites used such as

enzoylecgonine (BE)   ( up to %40 of the metabolites) 
 ecgonine methyl ester and six minor metabolites (norcocaine, benzoylnorecgonine, m-hydroxycocaine, p-hydroxycocaine, m-hydroxybenzoylecgonine, and p-hydroxybenzoylecgonine) accounted for approximately 18%,
 Anhydroecgonine methyl ester was present in trace amounts (0.02% dose) in specimens collected after smoked cocaine

anhydroecgonine methyl ester tho not common in urine test show when cocaine was smoked such as crack 
 However the only one used in a standard urine screen is BE


Urine analysis can test for alcohol use by detecting the presence of  Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG), a metabolite found in alcoholic beverages. The test can show ethanol ingestion within the previous 3-4 days

Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a metabolite of ethanol which is formed in the body by glucuronidation following exposure to ethanol, usually from drinking alcoholic beverages. It is used as a biomarker to test for ethanol use and to monitor alcohol abstinence in situations where drinking is prohibited, such as by the military, in alcohol treatment programs, in professional monitoring programs (health professionals, attorneys, airline pilots in recovery from addictions), in schools, liver transplant clinics, or in recovering alcoholic patients.[1][2] In addition to its use to monitor abstinence and detect drinking, EtG also has potential for monitoring the amount of alcohol use over time because it can be detected in hair and nails, though the effectiveness of this has not yet been proven.[3][4]

  • Detection Period: ETG can be detected in various biological samples such as urine, blood, and hair for an extended period, sometimes up to 80 hours or more after alcohol consumption.

  • ONLY the main metabolite benzoylecgonine (BE) is screened in a urine test.  If they want to test for alcohol it is standard practice to look at ETG.

 ETG and Cocaethylene COULD be found in all types of testing However   

Alcohol metabolites  ETG is tested for in urine and Cocaethylene  is tested for in hair test. 

 ETG is used in Urine vs. cocaethylene because it is  found longer in urine .


1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33010562/

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5573903/

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4371026/

