Wednesday, March 1, 2023

What are the risk with "Dilution" for Passing Urine Drug Test

What is a Dilution  method for urine drug test?

A urine drug test is a common way for employees, healthcare providers, and law enforcement agencies to detect the presence of drugs in an individuals system. One method used to try and pass a urine drug test is through dilution.  In regards to drug test, " Dilution " means  - the method to pass a urine drug screen by ingesting  large amounts of liquids to Dilute your bladder and thus dilute your metabolite levels below the cut off point. 

How Dilution methods work  

  The liquid need only be water but best if it is also a diuretic. Diuretics help the body get rid of excess fluid, mainly water and sodium.When diuretics stimulate kidneys to flush away sodium the body also flushes away water. This can be done by using herbal items such as dandelion root, horsetail, celery seed, green or black teas or coffee.

 By drinking large amounts of fluids, individuals aim to lower the concentration of drug metabolites in their urine sample, making it more difficult to detect. 

 What makes Dilution Risky ? 

The truth about dilution for drug testing is that it does not detoxify the body but only dilutes the urine with water. Substances like certo,  ( which require large amounts of  WATER)  and expensive detox drinks do not "detoxify" the body either are they diuretics. After consuming these the body's urine is diluted with water for a relatively short window. This creates a clear urine sample which is actually not unnatural as most drink extra prior to test but  promoters of the dilution method will say to just take B vitamins for color and creatine supplements.  However your still diluting it and if does add any color it will be a suspicious fake neon yellow.  Also Color is not a qualifying parameter so why mess with it ?  As for creatine supplements - this is another sweet spot factor in timing of consumption to get it the creatine to convert to creatinine as shown in study  "  The effects of creatine ingestion on urinary creatine concentration: Does supplementation mask heavy dilution? ". Proper use of creatine for the  purpose of suplementing during dilution requires 20 grams to be hydrated in acid or orange juice for 3 days then consumed prior to testing  so that all the cratine is converted to creatinine . " Detox" rinks like q carbo are mostly herbal tea and contain VERY little insignificant amount of creatine considering your still DILUTING IT. 


The Trick is that you have to ingest enough fluids to dilute your urine and metabolite levels to below threshold but NOT to point that your creatinine and Specific gravity (urine density), which is what results in a DILUTED result. Dilution results are also effected by sex and weight as seen in this study "Creatinine excretion in consecutive urine samples after controlled ingestion of water" .  Dilution is not permanent, as you urinate you remove water and body returns to previous levels. You have to hit the sweet spot during a short window, without coming up diluted.  

Urine drug screens are performed by measuring amounts of drug metabolites and if they fall over a threshold your deemed POSITIVE and if under your negative.  However Lab drug tests have two parts, including the Specimen validity testing (SVT). SVT is done to check for substitution or a sample that is not characteristic of human urine.

 The Validation screen which is performed prior to or simultaneously with drug screen. Specimen validity testing (SVT) is performed on a urine drug screen specimen to detect substances, adulteration, or dilution ( result from creatinine and specific gravity levels being crashed or under limits).

  The validation screen will also look at non human items such as sanitizing agents used in liquid urine or masking agents (adulteration). Adulteration involves adding chemicals to destroy the drug metabolite. 

All drugs will be gone from urine in 3-5 days except repeated use of THC as it builds up and stores in body fat and liver.  However if you are a repeat user of THC and if your non active heavy body mass person you may not have the 1-2 month needed.

Not even going to bother as this is a major part of the SVT 

Synthetic Urine Substitution  

This is the most effective method for passing a urine drug test every single time providing your not on observed probation  or (depending on the labs validation screen parameters ) a liquid urine as they all contain a sanitizing agent to keep them shelf stable.  Powdered synthetic urine avoid this risk but requires pre mixing which is not a major issue. I have personally done 2 pre employment and 5 randoms using synthetic and i can say once you do it and get over the jitters you feel bullet proof from then on.
"But im too scared ill get caught " 
 The only concern with synthetic is getting the urine in the cup at temperature.  
Simply practice carrying with water and warming pads to get rid of being nervous.

To conclude

  basically dilution is a 50 50 crap shoot with success based on your use level, amount of liquid consumed and timing it before level return to measurable levels so as to not OVER DILUTE. IF your going to attempt it I suggest you practice by doing said method and  using  a self pre test with some cheap test sticks.   

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 over 20 years as best Synthetic urine and kits



 Passing a drug test is a common concern for individuals who use substances that are prohibited in their workplace or other areas of life. While there are many ways to cheat a drug test, not all of them are foolproof or safe. Using synthetic urine is the best option as it is a reliable and discreet way to pass a drug test without risk of dilution methods. In this article, we will discuss, which is considered the best synthetic urine for a drug test, and how it can help you pass your drug test.

What is is a website that sells synthetic urine kits designed to help individuals pass a drug test. The kit comes with a vial of synthetic urine, a temperature strip, and a heating pad. The synthetic urine is designed to mimic real urine, and the kit is designed to ensure that the synthetic urine stays at the appropriate temperature for a drug test.

Why is the best choice for synthetic urine to pass a drug test?

There are many reasons why FAKE IT powdered synthetic urine is the best for a drug test. Firstly, the synthetic urine is of high quality and is designed to mimic real urine. It contains all the components that are found in real urine, including urea, uric acid, and creatinine at all proper levels adn appearance such as specific gravity , ph as well as natural golden color ,odor and surface bubbles. Secondly, the kit comes with a temperature strip (same used on collection cups) and long lasting heating pad, which ensures that the synthetic urine stays at the correct temperature for a drug test. Finally, has a proven 20 +year track record of helping individuals pass drug tests.



How to use

Using is easy and straightforward. First, you need to make sure that the synthetic urine is at the correct temperature. The temperature strip will indicate whether the urine is at the right temperature. Warming pads are insulating heat sources, your body actually regulates the temp. Practicing with warm water allows you to feel comfortable carrying the kits and is half the process. We have created a page on TIPS to carrying your urine at temp all day .

Is safe?

Using synthetic urine called FAKE IT . The synthetic urine is designed to mimic real urine, and it does not contain any harmful substances only what real urine should have.


In conclusion, is the best synthetic urine for a drug test as it is of high quality, comes with a temperature strip and heating pad, and has a proven track record of helping individuals pass drug tests. The Passitkit and One Shot can be a reliable and discreet way to pass a drug test.

reusable urine kit






Thursday, August 11, 2022

Pro Tips for using synthetic urine bottles for drug testing

 Pro Tips for using synthetic urine bottles for drug testing


So I want to assure the folks who have apprehensions about carrying urine bottles or concerns about the synthetic urine itself .  Substitution is a much better option as it is nearly impossible to mess up if you follow these tips. 



The bottle should have a easy to read thermometer label  preferably with a 2 degree offset like the collection cups use for the most accurate temp.  

It is best to use a cap that  you can dispense without removing it which could result in you dropping it or leaving it behind  ( less things to mess with in such a situation ).


Warmer should be the smallest hand warmer with longest activation time, not anything large that will result in excess tempt issues .
An adhesive tab or rubber band to secure warmer to bottle 
Powdered Synthetic Urine  
All Liquid Urine contains Biocides and or peroxides  which can pop a validation screen and leave sample flat and odorless .   
Powdered Synthetic    does not need to use biocides ,


To ensure accuracy, it is advisable to practice beforehand in order to determine the temperature after carrying the item for an hour and to confirm that it is securely positioned.
For a warm water-filled bottle, aim for a temperature range of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. To achieve this, you can briefly microwave the bottle few seconds, shake it, and then check the temperature. It is not advisable to use a warmer to heat the sample, as it would take a considerable amount of time.
The warmer is a insulating heat and body flesh regulates the temp pulling excess heat away from bottle .

 It is important to note that if the temperature exceeds the range of the thermometer, it will not be displayed. If bottle feels warms to hand its probably too warm as you can't really feel body temp unless hands are cold.

The sample should be added only when you are ready to conduct the test.

Pick up  extra hand warmers at walmart ( usually have 2 packs in check outs )  carry with water for an hour  and walk around to see how temp holds.  Carry both ways with and without  to observe if temp is issue . May not need them in summer however labs keep waiting groom cold as ice for this reason .
With a dry run you will have confidence and overcome any nervous issues.

For random testing scenarios,Carry the warm water and the vial separately.

Just remove cap from vial (put cap in pocket) then insert the vial into  bottle and secure cap  and shake.  


   FAKE IT a custom powdered synthetic urine  that contains nothing not found in human urine that may be indicated in the pre test Validation screen.