Showing posts with label flushing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flushing. Show all posts

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Everything you need to know about THC Self Test

Everything you need to know about THC Self Test

self test
 Opiate /cocaine have higher threshold, THC is lowest thus why lines are dark or light when negative

Both ELISA lab screens and home tests are based on the same fundamental principle of using an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) to detect the presence of specific substances, such as drugs or antibodies, in a biological sample.

In both cases, the ELISA technique involves the use of specific antibodies that can bind to the target substance of interest. These antibodies are typically immobilized on a solid surface, such as a test strip or a microplate well. When a sample is introduced, any target substance in the sample can bind to the corresponding antibodies, forming an antigen-antibody complex.

In the context of an at-home drug test, ELISA typically involves the following steps:

Collection of urine sample: The individual being tested provides a urine sample using a provided collection cup or container.

Test kit preparation:
The self or at-home drug test kit contains all the necessary components for conducting the ELISA. These kits usually include test strips or panels, reagents, and instructions.

Test strip/panel application: The individual dips the test strip or places the urine sample onto the designated area of the test panel. The test strip or panel typically contains specific antibodies that can bind to the target drugs or their metabolites.

Incubation: After applying the urine sample, the test strip or panel is left to incubate for a specified period, allowing the antibodies to interact with any drugs present in the urine.

Detection: The test strip or panel is then examined to determine the presence or absence of drug substances. In an ELISA-based test, this is often done by observing color changes or using a reader device that measures the intensity of the reaction.

Interpretation of results:
The test results are interpreted based on the presence or absence of visible color changes or the numerical values obtained from the reader device. The test kit's instructions will provide guidance on how to interpret the results for each specific drug being tested.

It's important to note that at-home drug tests using the ELISA method can provide an indication of drug use but may not be as accurate as laboratory-based tests. Positive results obtained from an at-home test should ideally be confirmed by a certified laboratory using more advanced and precise techniques, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS).

ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)  - SELF DRUG  are commonly used to detect the presence of drugs in biological samples, such as urine or saliva. These tests work by using specific antibodies that can bind to the target drugs, resulting in the appearance of colored lines. The presence or absence of these lines indicates whether a drug is present or not.

In a typical ELISA self drug test, there are two main lines that are observed: the test line and the control line. The test line is designed to capture the target drug, while the control line is used to verify the validity of the test. When interpreting the results, the appearance or absence of these lines is compared.

The test line will only appear if the drug concentration in the sample exceeds that threshold. In this case, a negative result would show a clear control line, indicating that the test worked properly, but no test line is visible because the drug concentration is below the detection threshold. This indicates that the person tested negative for that particular drug.

In an ELISA self-test for THC (the active compound in marijuana), a faint line, even if it is not as strong or complete as the control line, is still considered a negative result based on the predetermined threshold set for the test.


ELISA self-tests for THC typically have a specific threshold level for the concentration of THC or its metabolites in the sample. This threshold is the minimum concentration required for the test to produce a positive result. If the concentration of THC or its metabolites in the sample is below this threshold, the test is considered negative.

In some cases, a faint line may appear in the test region where the antibodies are designed to bind with THC or its metabolites. This faint line suggests the presence of a small amount of THC or its metabolites in the sample. However, if the concentration is below the defined threshold, it is still considered negative because it does not exceed the level required for a positive result.

It's important to note that the intensity of the test line can vary depending on factors such as the concentration of the substance in the sample and the sensitivity of the test. However, the interpretation of the test results should be based on the guidelines provided by the specific test kit manufacturer. The instructions will specify the criteria for determining a positive or negative result based on the appearance or absence of the test line.

A self test or at-home urine drug test, specifically using the ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) method, is a diagnostic tool designed to detect the presence of drugs or their metabolites in a person's urine sample. ELISA is a common laboratory technique used for various types of testing, including drug screening.

FALSE NEGATIVES -Do not over hydrate ,

This seems to be a common issue people thinking extra water helps detox THC does not. what it does is dilute your bladder and if your over hydrated and do a self test it can give a diluted result thus a FALSE NEGATIVE  

Along with over hydrating their are other things that may influence a false result or both positive and negative as you reach a clean point .

An ELISA self-test drug test can give false negatives when plain water is used for a few reasons. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a commonly used technique for detecting the presence of drugs or other substances in biological samples.

Lack of drug presence: ELISA tests work by detecting the presence of specific drug molecules in a sample. If a person has not consumed drugs recently or the drug concentration in their system is very low, it may fall below the detection threshold of the test. In such cases, the test may incorrectly indicate a negative result even though the person may have used drugs.

Dilution effect: Plain water, when used to adulterate or dilute a sample, can reduce the concentration of drugs present in the sample. If someone intentionally adds water to their urine sample to lower the drug concentration, it may fall below the detection limit of the ELISA test. Consequently, the test may produce a false negative result, suggesting the absence of drugs when they were actually present.

Test limitations: ELISA tests have certain limitations and can sometimes yield false negatives even when drugs are present in the sample. Factors such as the sensitivity and specificity of the test, variations in the drug metabolites or compounds being tested, and the potential for cross-reactivity with other substances can all contribute to false negatives.


A validation screen, also known as a Sample Validity Test (SVT), is used to determine if a sample has been diluted, which can potentially result in a false negative result. Dilution of a sample refers to the act of adding a solvent or liquid to the original sample, thereby reducing the concentration of the target substance present in the sample.

When a sample is diluted, the concentration of the target substance may fall below the detection threshold of the test. As a result, the test may not be able to accurately detect the presence of the substance, leading to a false negative result, indicating the absence of the target substance when it is actually present.

To address this issue, a validation screen or SVT is performed as an additional step in the testing process. The SVT is designed to detect the presence of diluted samples by assessing specific parameters, such as the specific gravity, pH, or the presence of certain adulterants or markers that indicate sample tampering.

The validation screen works by comparing the results of the SVT with predefined cutoff values or ranges. If the SVT indicates that the sample is diluted beyond an acceptable threshold, the test result may be considered invalid or inconclusive. This suggests that the original sample may have been manipulated or tampered with, and further investigation or retesting may be necessary to obtain accurate results.

By including a validation screen in the testing process, laboratories can identify potential sample dilution, which helps ensure the reliability and accuracy of the test results. It serves as a quality control measure to detect and prevent false negative results that may arise due to sample manipulation or dilution.


"DETOX " Drinks do not detox THC

"Detox" drinks are often marketed as products that can help remove or detoxify substances like THC (the active compound in marijuana) from the body, particularly from urine samples. However, it's important to understand that these drinks do not actually eliminate or detoxify THC from the system.

When a person consumes a "detox" drink, it typically contains a combination of fluids, vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts. These ingredients may have diuretic properties, meaning they increase urine production and frequency. As a result, the urine becomes more diluted.

The idea behind using a "detox" drink is that by diluting the urine, the concentration of THC or its metabolites may temporarily fall below the threshold level that is typically used in drug tests. This dilution can lead to a short-term window where the drug test may yield a negative result.

However, it's important to note that the effects of these drinks are temporary. The body will continue to metabolize THC over time, and the levels in urine will return to their previous concentration. Once the effects of the "detox" drink wear off, the concentration of THC metabolites in the urine will gradually rise again, potentially surpassing the threshold for detection in drug tests.

It is also worth mentioning that many drug testing laboratories are aware of the practice of using "detox" drinks and have implemented measures to detect dilution. They may use additional tests, such as checking the specific gravity or creatinine levels, to assess the integrity of the urine sample. If a sample is found to be excessively diluted, it may be considered invalid, leading to further testing or potential consequences.

In summary, "detox" drinks do not actually remove THC from the body or detoxify it. They temporarily dilute urine, which may provide a short-term window of negative test results. However, these effects are temporary, and the body will continue to metabolize THC naturally over time, leading to the return of THC metabolite levels to normal.



FAKE IT Synthetic Urine-The perfect solution when natural detoxification is not an option. 

FAKE IT Synthetic Urine offers a reliable and effective alternative for individuals who need to pass urine drug tests with confidence. Unlike risky dilution methods, which may lead to negative dilute results and raise suspicion, FAKE IT Synthetic Urine provides a consistent and undetectable substitute. With its carefully formulated composition, including key components found in real urine, FAKE IT Synthetic Urine offers a realistic solution that mimics the characteristics and properties of natural urine. Say goodbye to the uncertainties of dilution and embrace the peace of mind that comes with FAKE IT Synthetic Urine - the preferred choice for those seeking a reliable substitute when natural detoxification is not feasible.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Truth about dilution for urine test- ( certo , niacin , detox drinks )

 Whats the truth about Dilution for drug test ?

Do things like certo , Niacin or expensive "Detox Drinks" actually "Detox " you ? 

Methods using products like Certo, or detox drinks are essentially just adding them to a standard dilution agent like water. In the past, before synthetic urine and the internet, people used to rely on goldenseal tea for flushing. Therefore, there is no need to rely on gimmicky drinks that cost $40 and tell you to drink a gallon of water. It's important to recognize that it's the water that is diluting your urine after consuming pectin Certo, niacin, or detox drinks. Similarly, detox drinks instruct you to drink them along with multiple bottles of water, urinate a few times while continuing to drink more water before the test.

Some might wonder about the color of the urine, but in a urine test, the color is not a significant factor, and most people tend to hydrate prior to the test so they can produce urine and leave quickly. Concerning the possibility of over-hydrating and receiving a negative result due to low levels of creatinine and specific gravity (urine density), the drink itself doesn't add anything to counteract that. If you're diluting your urine by hydrating excessively, everything, including drug metabolites, color and creatinine will be diluted.

What actually happens is that you dilute your urine with water, and approximately an hour after you stop drinking excessive amounts of water, your body regulates itself and expels the excess water through urine, returning your levels to their true concentrations. This process doesn't "detox" your body as commonly claimed by those selling drinks or promoting online methods. In simple terms, the reason some people pass a urine test using these drinks and methods is often due to luck.

Alternatively, they might not have had drugs in their system to begin with, which is common for one-time users or occasional THC users who become paranoid and believe the drug will stay in their system indefinitely. However, a single use of THC typically clears from the body within three days, just like most other drugs. Many people who claim to have "passed" using these products are often one-time THC users who panicked without knowing the drug's elimination time frame. It's advisable to use a simple, inexpensive self-test urine stick before resorting to panic buying these drinks.

A laboratory drug test consists of two parts. The first part is the Validity Screen, which checks for levels of creatinine (not creatine) and specific gravity, among other factors that indicate potential sample masking or tampering. If you flush and dilute your urine but the creatinine and specific gravity levels are not significantly altered, then the urine is not considered diluted. Furthermore, if your metabolite levels are below the testing threshold, you will receive a negative result and pass the test.

However, if the specific gravity (urine density) and creatinine levels are too low, it indicates that you have consumed substances to alter your urine, which raises suspicion. Fortunately, they won't fail you outright, and you will have the opportunity to try the test again, although it may appear suspicious.

To summarize, if dilution is your only option, all you need is a $5.00 box of detox tea from any store and some inexpensive self-test sticks. Avoid self-testing when you are excessively hydrated as it may produce false negative results, as urine density validation is not performed. Remember, even a faint line on the test is considered negative for THC.

What works every single time is substituting your urine with synthetic urine. The only concern is ensuring that the synthetic urine is at the correct temperature when you submit it, but this can be easily managed with a proper container. Synthetic urine has been available for a long time, and it is a reliable method. Some may perceive it as riskier, but that is not accurate. Just practice carrying it to ensure you

What does work every single time is Synthetic urine substitution .  Your only concern is getting it in the cup at temp which is easy peezy with a proper container. Synthetic urine has been around a long time and its easy to beat. Most think it riskier but that is false.  Just practice carrying it so you know how to keep it at temp and your golden . 

One Shot Synthetic Urine Kit

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Risk associated with Flushing to pass Urine test

Are their risk to flushing to beat a urine drug test?

To be clear flushing is not proper detoxing so when a detox drink is called detox thats not whats really going on .

The flushing strategy involves putting large quantities of liquids into your body so that the  metabolites will be washed out as fast as possible. It is unlikely that you will remove 100% of drug metabolites using this method, but it can be effective in reducing the concentration of drug traces in your sample to below the threshold .

The Office of Drug Enforcement at the Department of Transportation (DOT) asked Dr Edward Cone from the Addiction Research Center (ARC) to investigate how effective the flushing method was. He demonstrated that drinking 1 gallon of water made the gravity of marijuana in the system drop to extremely low level and also that the marijuana test results would be negative.

levels can stay low enough for a negative for a couple hours after the water was drunk but they subsequently returned to positive. The results were the same wither with "cleansing products"  and regular drinking water. With any flushing rather if it's with certo or herbs or some 40 dollar drink you got at GNC or a head shop they all tell you to drink a gallon water afterwards. This is what causes it to dilute levels to pass.

If you are planning on using the flushing method, you will need to drink large volumes of liquids (water and anything else) before the test takes place.

Here's the issues and risk ....

For one flushing too far from a test can easily return to full levels so you have to load up on water pass a first piss containing pre water loading that still contains denser metabolite levels. Then you have to get the next piss submitted before it gets contaminated as levels return because your not  DETOXED but DILUTED. 

Failing from Dilution is a common result of imperfect flushing. Before a sample is drug screened it is VALIDATED . 

Urine Validation screens check  a sample to normal human levels for Creatinine , pH, Specific Gravity and looks for additives Nitrites, Glutaraldehyde , and Oxidants. So although the density of the drug metabolites are crashed so is the Specific Gravity or density (regardless of B vitamins to turn it yellow)  of sample and Creatinine  which has to show to prove its human. Allot of the information on flushing  on the web is pretty dated and was from before validation testing became a regular part of a drug test.   

This is why doesn't sell the drinks and pills for this reason but produces  custom powdered Synthetic urine kits. The First and probably the only real uric acid synthetic urine . It has never failed a test in 18 years which also shows how reliable their delivery kits for substitution like Urine Trouble synthetic urine kit  and One Shot a temperature metered bottle perfect to pass a random urine test  at any time.   


Results came back negative diluted, have to do another test

Hey, I will link this on my other post, but basically I had a drug test for a job Monday. Saturday night I did the pectin method. So I got a 32 oz of red gatorade and pour certo in it and shook it up than drank it in 10 minutes than drank half a gallon of water in the next 30 minutes than took half of a b-complex pill right after than drank another half gallon after those first 40 minutes over the next 1:30 hours. Than I pissed a shit ton and tested negative at my at home test saturday night after 4 hours from starting the method. did the same thing sunday and passed again. Did the same thing Monday morning before my test but took the b-complex an hour after usual and my results came back negative but diluted. I’m think I should drink less water hit faster, maybe 32 oz in like 15 minutes and that’s it and than pop a whole b complex and piss a shit ton and still do it 4 hours before. My test is tomorrow at 2 pm, gonna the pectin method tonight once and tomorrow morning right before my test. Lmk what exactly I should do?

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Niacin drug test Myth exposed






The Niacin drug test Myth

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is often suggested as a supplement that may impact drug detoxification, particularly for substances like marijuana. However, it's important to note that there is limited scientific evidence supporting the idea that niacin significantly aids in the detoxification of drugs.

Some individuals believe that niacin can help cleanse the body of drugs by promoting sweating and increasing the metabolism. The idea is that increased metabolism and sweating may help eliminate drug metabolites from the body more rapidly.

The idea that niacin can help pass a drug test likely stems from the fact that it can cause a flushing sensation in the skin. This flushing is caused by the dilation of blood vessels, which can result in a red, itchy rash. Some people believe that this flushing can help rid the body of toxins, including drug metabolites, and thereby help them pass a drug test.

Some Claim it stops the body from releasing fat so taking it allows you to be dirty and keep THC from showing positive  

 Niacin does not directly stop the body from releasing fat. In fact, niacin plays a role in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins by aiding in the conversion of these nutrients into usable energy. It helps break down fats and fatty acids, allowing the body to utilize them for energy production.

However, it's important to note that while niacin supports the metabolic processes involved in fat utilization, it does not directly inhibit or block the body from releasing fat. The release of fat from fat cells is primarily regulated by hormonal signals and energy demands in the body.

There is no scientific evidence to support this belief. Drug metabolites are primarily eliminated from the body through the kidneys and excreted in urine. While niacin may cause a flushing sensation, it does not have any effect on the kidneys or the excretion of drug metabolites.

Moreover, taking high doses of niacin can be dangerous and cause a range of side effects, including liver damage, gastrointestinal problems, and skin rash. In rare cases, high doses of niacin can also lead to a condition called niacin toxicity, which can cause liver failure, jaundice, and even death. 

Niacin can be toxic when used to "beat" drug test

However, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks and limitations:

  1. Limited scientific evidence: There is a lack of robust scientific studies supporting the effectiveness of niacin for drug detoxification. Claims about its benefits often come from anecdotal reports rather than controlled, peer-reviewed research.

  2. Side effects: Niacin can cause side effects, including flushing, itching, and nausea, especially in high doses. These side effects may be uncomfortable and can potentially pose health risks, such as liver damage in extreme cases.

  3. Incomplete detoxification: Niacin does not target specific drug metabolites directly. While it may increase metabolic processes, it does not guarantee the elimination of all drug residues from the body.

  4. Individual variations: The effectiveness of niacin may vary among individuals, and factors like body weight, metabolism, and overall health can influence its impact.

  5. False sense of security: Relying solely on niacin for drug detoxification may give a false sense of security. It's essential to consider other factors, such as time since drug use, hydration, and overall health.

In conclusion, niacin is a vitamin that is essential for human health, but it cannot be used to pass a urine drug test. If you need to pass a drug test, the best approach is to abstain from drug use for a sufficient period of time before the test.


allow me to post just one example of a niacin believer and what they did using it . 


  taken from various weed forums (  separate quotes from various users )
 "...I took NIACIN 250mg. ( high dose) ...i got 2 gallons of water and gator aid "

"...and i drank about 150 ounces of water a day. "  "...pee at least 3 times before the test"
perfect example of ignorant mindset

"... i am going to take five niacin(100 mg a pilL), with lots of water, and then i am going to take niacin 4 days before the test, (500 mg). and then dilute with alot of water, the day of the test. I am doing this because, i want to know if niacin works for real. if the niacin does not work, then the dilution method will not bring the levels down past the threshold, and ill fail. if the niacin works, then ill pass obviously.

See if it worked then you wouldn't need to use it with tons of fluids which is just dilution this is the same nonsense as certo which is always also used with tons of water .