Showing posts with label thc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thc. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What does true THC detox mean ?




Typically all DETOX questions revolve around removing THC for Urine drug test . All other drug will naturally be gone in 5 days average with some things a little longer  nicotine 10 + days , certain Benzodiazepines can be 3 + weeks.  however repeat use of THC can be much longer based on intake and weight / activity level .

THC, the active compound found in cannabis, is known to be stored in fat cells in the body. When someone consumes cannabis, THC is absorbed into the bloodstream and eventually gets distributed throughout the body, including the fatty tissues. Over time, the THC is gradually released from the fat cells back into the bloodstream, allowing it to be metabolized and eliminated from the body.

Sweating, on the other hand, does not significantly contribute to the removal of THC from the body. While small traces of THC and its metabolites may be excreted in sweat, the concentration is usually quite low and not considered a reliable method for eliminating THC from the body. The primary routes of THC elimination are through urine and feces.

in addition to cardio,  studies have found fasting to be effective at reducing and thus releasing fat and in turn THC stores . 

Lipolysis is the metabolic pathway through which lipid triglycerides are hydrolyzed into a glycerol and free fatty acids. It is used to mobilize stored energy during fasting or exercise, and usually occurs in fat adipocytes. The most important regulatory hormone in lipolysis is insulin; lipolysis can only occur when insulin action falls to low levels, as occurs during fasting.

Imagine your body as a little factory that turns food into energy. When you eat food, your body uses it for energy right away. But sometimes, when you're not eating, like when you're sleeping or taking a break from food, your body needs to find another way to get the energy it needs. That's where fasting comes in.

Fasting is like giving your body a little challenge. When you don't eat for a while, your body doesn't have any new food to use for energy. So, it starts looking for another source of energy, and that's when something special happens.

Your body has a special kind of fat called stored fat. It's like a backup energy supply. When you fast, your body starts to use this stored fat for energy. It breaks down the stored fat into smaller parts called fatty acids. This process is called lipolysis.

Think of lipolysis as a superhero that helps your body burn fat. It takes the big pieces of stored fat and turns them into smaller pieces that your body can use as fuel. These smaller pieces are the fatty acids.

So, when you fast, your body switches to using the stored fat and breaks it down into fatty acids through lipolysis. This helps your body burn fat and gives you the energy you need to keep going, even when you're not eating.

Remember, fasting is like a challenge for your body, and it helps your body use stored fat through lipolysis to get the energy it needs.


 The concept of "detoxing" is often associated with various health practices and products, including detox teas. However, it's important to understand that the idea of detoxification and flushing out toxins is not scientifically well-supported.

The human body has its built-in detoxification systems, primarily the liver and kidneys, which work continuously to eliminate waste products and toxins from the body. They are highly efficient at their job and do not require any additional assistance from detox teas or similar products.

While some detox teas may contain ingredients that can have diuretic or laxative effects, leading to increased urination or bowel movements, these effects do not necessarily equate to flushing out toxins. Moreover, excessive use of such teas can disrupt the body's natural balance and lead to dehydration or electrolyte imbalances.

It's worth noting that the term "detox" has been marketed and used in a variety of ways, often with exaggerated claims and unsupported scientific evidence. If you're concerned about your health or believe you may have been exposed to harmful substances, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide appropriate guidance based on your specific situation.









Friday, May 13, 2022

DELTA 8 will show on drug test and it take longer to detox

 This is a typical post from Delta 8 users 

smoked Delta 8 heavily for one week. 7 days away from 2 months since. this stuff stays with you for a long time

r/Drugtests - Delta 8 sucks. Am I clear?

SO the thing is we believe these reagent dip stick and CUP  test do NOT differentiate from delta 8 and real THC. So they are unreliable in that a LAB may not see it at all . BUT if it is seeing it then it at least shows it stays around in system longer than real THC use.



Delta-8-THC is structurally very similar to delta-9-THC but is known to have weaker attraction to the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1). This leads to delta-8 having fewer psychotropic effects and fewer adverse effects than delta-9-THC. However, despite delta-8’s fewer effects, it is still metabolized to a similar chemical compound to delta-9-THC, which frequently leads to a positive UDS for marijuana metabolites and could potentially lead to a positive confirmatory test, too.
-  . Kruger JS, Kruger DJ. Delta-8-THC: Delta-9-THC’s nicer younger sibling? Journal of Cannabis Research. 2022;4(1):4. doi:10.1186/s42238-021-00115-8


delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol is a compound that exists in cannabis. It’s just one of many cannabinoids that include; CBD, CBG, and of course, THC.Extracting delta-8 from raw hemp material is costly and time-consuming. Fortunately, manufacturers have found an alternative way to produce the compound; cannabinoid conversion.
  • Create a CBD isolate: Before the conversion can begin, the hemp extract needs to be purified into 98% CBD. The extract undergoes an extensive filtration process, which removes all other cannabinoids and terpenes.
  • Combine with a solvent and acid: Manufacturers add a non-polar solvent, such as heptane, to the mixture. Once fully dissolved, they add an acid reagent in order to produce the chemical reaction and cannabinoid conversion. The solution is then continually stirred for at least 3 hours; a stirring plate is often used. Depending on the formula, the solution is either kept at room temperature or heated.
  • Neutralize and clean the solution: Producing delta-8 can create several unwanted byproducts, such as solvent and acid residue. So cleaning and filtering the solution is essential. It’s common to use a distilled water and sodium bicarbonate wash and sometimes a rotary evaporator.


The Problem With Converting CBD Into Delta-8

While creating lab-produced delta-8 is relatively simple, it involves combining lots of potentially dangerous chemicals. Because of this, only licensed chemists and experienced manufacturers should manipulate CBD into delta-8.

Unfortunately, many low-quality “at-home” kits and formulas are on the market. By using them, consumers run the risk of handling and ingesting harmful acid and solvent residue.

For those interested in trying delta-8, buying from reputable and high-quality brands is an important decision.

It’s rare to find naturally-derived delta-8 products. While the cannabinoid does exist in cannabis, its limited concentration makes it an unpopular method of extraction.

Instead, most companies make delta-8 products with hemp-derived cannabinoids, like CBD, and convert them into the compound. Using a simple lab process like cannabinoid conversion has made delta-8 products affordable for many consumers.

It’s worth remembering that delta-8 products are still new to the cannabis market. Extraction, conversion, and testing techniques are constantly developing and improving. And, much like the cannabis industry as a whole, the lack of regulation means that poorly-made products do exist. Consumers should be extra vigilant about quality when buying delta-8 products.


 People think that delta 8 is legal and its not same as weed .  WRONG sort of  all delta products show up as THC and im guessing due to processing of making it which is not a natural product in a herbal form it is just hemp SPRAYED with a ? compound ,  it sticks around much longer. Best to stay the hell away from it.  Only lots of cardio and detox tea will flush it out any cannabinoid.  If you are testing dirty and have a test best thing to do is keep a ONE SHOT synthetic urine bottle on hand  

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Home Urine test and what the Faint Line means

Negative or Positive Test Result ?




 Is your self test Qualitative or  Semi quantitative  ?

A very common question with people who are worried about seeing a faint line on the home reagent dip strip/cup  test is what does this mean ? 
These are strips which serve different purposes, such as a qualitative strip that only determines if the sample is positive or negative, such as most cheap single store bought dip strip test ( can be cup type as well).  
These are a basic preliminary qualitative (quality )  test and thus are not SEMI quantitative  (quantity ) test so they will not show a estimate of a quantitative result in which a color reaction is proportional to the concentration of the substance in sample carried out by comparing the test pad to a chart or react to a lighter / darker line like a CARD or CUP that is SEMI quantitative . 

SEMI quantitative self urine test

Each one of these has a different cut off level and in this case lines get lighter due to lower cut off . A
s you see the lowest is very faint but just as negative as the highest dark line typical of coke and opiate .






 If a strip also used in cups has multi colored indicators its a SEMI quantitative  (quantity ) typical of a Validation panel in addition to the drug screen . These will show If the creatinine and specific gravity (urine density),Ph ,nitates are in range ( this shows if sample is diluted) , as well as other factors to determine if sample is in human range and even shows no additive are present.









Sometimes a lab will use a reagent stick validation before "accepting" the sample to sent to the lab for drug screening . regardless all samples received at lab will perform validity screen.

 a validation test verifies its ph, color, specific gravity ( verifies dilution ) creatnine level ( not creatine) and looks for nitrates or non urine AGENTS


When reading the drug test result, you will find a line at the very top of every testing window and that is the control region (C). The test is not considered valid without this line. Result is considered negative when a colored line appears in both the control (C) and test (T) region. If the colored line appears in the control region but not in the test region, the test is considered to be positive. Nevertheless, presence of any faint line in the test region (T) will indicate negative results no matter how light it is.

Presumptive Positive: One colored line is visible in the control (C) zone for that drug. No colored line whatsoever appears in the test (T) zone, indicating a presumptive positive result for the corresponding drug.
Negative: Colored lines are visible in both the control (C) and test (T) zones, indicating that concentration of the drug is below the detection limit of the test or not present. 



As long as your not diluted  and not using first morning pee you get best reading . If doing multiple during a detox do them same time of day  no heavy or excessive  fluid intake. If you see a faint line then it will most likely be a little darker with a little extra fluid  but your good just don't super dilute as this will render a DILUTE sample for re test . 





Thursday, May 4, 2017

Certo, What it is and isnt going to do for a drug test

Certo, What it is and isnt going to do for a drug test 

This one isnt a typical flush myth this one uses a concept of absorbing toxins  with fruit fiber

It is time to put this nonsense about certo being a proven way to pass a urine drug screen to rest .

Certo or Sure Jel is essentially the same as Beni Fiber. They all contain fruit pectin, which is a soluble dietary fiber primarily derived from apples. When consumed, pectin binds to cholesterol in the digestive tract and slows down the absorption of glucose by trapping carbohydrates.

Research has shown that pectin can lower blood cholesterol levels. This effect is believed to be due to increased viscosity in the intestinal tract, which reduces the absorption of cholesterol from bile or food. In the large intestine and colon, pectin is broken down by microorganisms, releasing short-chain fatty acids. This property of trapping fats makes pectin potentially beneficial for capturing THC, as THC is bound to fats. However, this trapping effect would only apply to recently ingested substances and not those stored in body fat, similar to how charcoal detox only targets substances in the stomach.

In the body, THC is primarily metabolized to 11-OH-THC, which remains psychoactive. It is then further oxidized to 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC (THC-COOH). The liver plays a significant role in this metabolism, involving cytochrome P450 enzymes, particularly CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4.

Over 55% of THC is excreted through feces, while 20% is eliminated in urine. The primary metabolite found in urine is the ester of glucuronic acid and THC-COOH, along with free THC-COOH. In feces, 11-OH-THC is predominantly detected. THC binds to cannabinoid receptors located in various parts of the body, including the brain, heart, and liver.

The notion that certo or pectin can effectively trap THC in the body is baseless since they can only capture substances present in the stomach or intestine. While pectin can help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, regular consumption of soluble fiber products may slightly reduce the absorption of a small amount of THC from the intestine into the system. However, there is limited impact on THC as it travels from the lungs to the liver and then to the small intestine. Approximately 25% of THC remains unexcreted, leading to its storage in fat reserves, primarily liver fat.

Once again, the theory surrounding certo is unsubstantiated. Lowering THC storage in the body can also be achieved through a low-fat diet and cardiovascular exercise. Claims made by uninformed individuals about passing drug tests with certo or pectin lack evidence and proof. The perceived effectiveness is likely due to the dilution effect caused by consuming large amounts of water along with these substances.

If someone wishes to scientifically demonstrate that certo leads to a successful drug test result, they need to conduct an experiment involving daily smoking for a month, consuming certo with a cup of water rather than a gallon, and obtaining mass spectrometry analysis in a laboratory instead of relying on inexpensive reagent strips from a dollar store.

When THC is consumed infrequently or on a one-time basis, it typically remains in the system for only a few days, similar to other drugs. Regular use is necessary for THC to accumulate in fat stores. Therefore, if one desires to "detox" THC, the most effective methods involve engaging in cardio exercises and fasting. Drinks or fruit pectin cannot eliminate THC. The pectin method is often associated with consuming a significant amount of fluids, which is referred to as dilution.

If you are a frequent THC user and have not undergone a month-long detox through cardio exercises and fasting you might consider using synthetic urine . 
Unlike consuming excessive amounts of water or other substances, powdered synthetic urine is always a sure deal can also be a viable option for random drug tests. Dont worry it is undetectable all you have to do is carry properly to get it in the cup at temp . Here are carrying tips to make that stress free.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Synthetic "Urine Trouble" Kits



Are you in need of a synthetic urine kit that actually works and won't break the bank? Look no further! Our company has been around for over 20 years, and in that time, not a single customer has failed a drug test using our products. We call it FAKE IT 1.0 because there's never a need for excuses or new versions.

Introducing our Urine Trouble Synthetic Urine substitution delivery kit. It provides everything you need without any unnecessary gimmicks like giant battery packs or dildos. Our reusable kit is made with 8 mil THICK USA vinyl that's built to last. The 9" long tubing with a 5mm ID allows for a natural flow. In comparison, other brands' products made in China use 2mm ID IV tubing, which takes too long to dispense your sample and allows it to cool.

Our warmers are mounted on the face of the bag for air activation, and the surface of our bag lays against your skin to regulate the temperature. Your sample is guaranteed to stay at body temperature all day long. Our bag temperature is monitored by a medical-grade liquid crystal thermometer with a 2-degree offset. It is kept warm with a USA-made 10-hour Heat Maxx warmer. The sample is dispensed with a single hand from a single clamp, allowing for easy use without multiple clamps or bags to squeeze. 1oz Syringe used to fill is also used to clean before and after use.

The Urine Trouble bag has a black woven elastic waistband with an adjustable buckle. Other brands use a white knitted elastic that gets dirty easily and provides weak support due to the super stretchy knitted material. Our bags are the only 100% USA-made product available.

Our Urine Trouble kit comes with 2, 3oz Fake It synthetic urine packets. Mix them with warm water to create a sample that meets all normal human levels for everything from specific gravity, creatinine, pH, smell, color (matching the specific gravity levels), and even the first to use uric acid. Our Fake It products and delivery kits, including the Urine Trouble and the One Shot, have NEVER failed a test in 15 years.

If you want to see our FAKE IT synthetic urine undergo a validity test, we're happy to provide it.

When it comes to synthetic urine substitution kits, you may as well invest in something durable that's made to be reusable. Our products are made with all USA parts and labor and sold directly by the manufacturer, not a reseller. We've been in business for longer than ANY other company producing synthetic urine for 23 years. It's safe to say that the rest are just knockoffs.

Choose our Urine Trouble Synthetic Urine substitution delivery kit for a reliable, durable, and effective solution to passing your drug test.